Exchange Rate
A$ and US$ Exchange Rate.
Updated 6 OCT 10 (based on my Travelex exchange rate).
Our prices for King and Country and John Jenkins on this web page are based on an exchange rate of 0.90 cents to the US$. Current exchange rate I am using is 0.95 cents which means web prices are higher than what we will actually charge you. Some examples of prices are :
A$ exchange rate.
US$ Price 0.90 0.86 0.84 0.83
32 A$36 $37 A$38 A$39 (ie. Turkish foot figures)
79 A$88 $92 A$94 A$95 (ie. Mounted Light Horse trooper)
109 A$122 $127 A$130 A$131
159 A$177 $185 A$189 A$192
215 A$239 $250 A$256 A$259 (ie. Tiger tank).
Please note that our Thomas Gunn and Conte prices are based on the time we order them in, which is less frequent than for K&C and Jenkins, so we do not keep adjusting the prices. That means our current prices in A$ are cheaper than they would be if I ordered them again.
Please note if you are ordering we will confirm total price.