BAGUN02 18-24 Pounder Cannon
John Jenkins BAGUN02 18-24 Pounder Cannon
The 24-pounder was a common naval gun. It was the preferred "attacking" siege gun, as it hit hard, and the gun weight was still manageable.
The 18-pounder was the preferred "defensive" siege gun, similar in size with nearly the same range as a 24-pounder, but it saved on gun powder, which was nearly always a huge concern for whoever was being besieged.
The British had two 18-pounders at Fort William Henry, six more at Fort Edward. During the siege of Fort William Henry, the two 18-pounders “burst” from over firing.
Many of the larger mid- and late18th century ships were furnished with a mix of 24-pounders (middle deck) and 32-pounders (lower deck) with lighter guns on the upper deck.
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