News and Updates (10 SEPT)
The Military Workshop - News and Updates (NOTE WE DO NOT SELL OVERSEAS)
Visit this page to see a summary of what is new to the web page, what has arrived and what is coming soon. More detailed information and images will be included in the appropriate area. Important Note : we do not have all the items listed in stock. Shop is not big enough and would go bankrupt. We have good stocks of King and Country and John Jenkins and plenty of Team Miniatures and Thomas Gunn. The more recent the release the more likely we will have it. Even then there are some itesm we do not get in to hold stock. For Britains we carry little stock of most series but are well stocked with the Zulu War series. Apologies if you see an item and sold out but it is hard to keep updated on what has sold out at the manufacturers. Always best to ask.
Note check out at top left of menu bar K&C 2024 Visit preview items.
Next arrivals : John Jenkins September releases incoming.
10 SEPT 24 Added Jenkins October releases : 3 Egyptiuan and 2 Nubian archers, 2 Macedonians, Mounted Mongol Standard bearer, Inca litter and add on (new series) Officer and drummer Malta Militia, Officer and drummer Jamestown Militia, 5 British Marines American Revolution, 84th Foot Flagbearer battle of Wandewash, 6 Union foot figures and one mounted standard bearer, 2 Fur trade trappers, Mounted Dog Soldier, 3 60th Royal Rifle Corps Zulu War, 2 USAAF ground crew
2 SEPT 24 Added King and Country September releases : 2 Apaches, King Edward VII, RAF Operations room set with 5 figures and AVM Dowding and WAAF NCO, 10 new Blackhawk Down Rangers and Irish Guards mascot Seamus and handler.
26 AUG 24 Added images and info on supply wagons and laager to Jenkins Zulu War series preview section.
22 AUG 24 Added Thomas Gunn August releases : 2 Roman Tubicen players and 2 Roman ladies, Laurel & hardy Foreign Legion pair, 2 German radio huts and 6 radio operators, Nancy Wake and German.
21 AUG 24 Added 5 custom made (in Brisbane) Western Buildings to King and Country Cattle Drive and Diorama. Bank, Sheriff's Office, Hotel, Saloon.
19 AUG 24 - Added more images to Jenkins Zulu War series preview page. 3 more British Regiments !
13 AUG 24 Added John Jenkins September releases - Trojan King Cyncus, Nubian Archers Kadesh, 2 Persian war chariots and 2 Macedonians, Adyrmachid warriors battle of Zama, Mounted Norman Knight, Mongol Spearman, 4 American Revolution British Marines, Cheyanne Dog Soldier, 2 Mountain Men Fur Trade series, Union General and 8 Union infantry, Officer, Piper and two firing Highlanders from new Zulu War series and 2 USAF crew.
3 AUG 24 Added information to Jenkins category about new Zulu War series - 91st Highlanders v Zulus.
2 AUG 24 Added King and Country August releases : Mounted Roman General and 4 Roman Lictors and 4 Trumpeters for a Roman triumph parade, 10 Medieval English archers (plus two value sets of 5), 3 Afrika Korps riding camels and camel onwer and herder plus a Viertnam US Marine.
1 AUG 24 Added Ottotmans prototypes images to Team Minitaures Vienna and John Jenkins Siege of Malta series.
16 JULY 24 Added John Jenkins August releases - 2 Nubian Mercenaries, Trojan Greek, 2 Carthaginian Mercenaries, Mounted Alan Rufus and 6 Bretons Hastings 1066, 2 Samurai, Janissary Malta, Conquistadore with dog, Flagbearer and 4 British infantry Amer Rev, 2 NW Mounted Police, British Sepoy Officer and 3 French infantry Battle of Wandewash, 2 Mounted and 6 dismounted Union Cavalry and 1 Confederate artilleryman,
16 JULY 24 Thomas Gunn June items arrived.
2 JULY 24 Added King and Country July releases : a useful Country Maid, a Cattle Drive Chuck wagon, US Marine BAR gunner WW2/Korea, 2 Ltd Ed Huey's and a door gunner and 3 Viet Cong, 6 US Rangers Mogadishu 1993 (Blackhawk Down) - start of new series. Also to come are the Ltd Ed Shermans.
20 JUNE 24 Added John Jenkins July releases : 6 Ancient Egyptians Kadesh, Teucer from Troy, Carthagnian elephant, 4 Koream Spearmen for Samurai series, 2 Maltese Militia, 2 Jamestwon Militia, British Flagbearer and limber and 2 Colonial infantry, 2 North West Mounted Police, 2 British sepoys, 5 ACW cavalry and 4 Confederate artillery crew,
19 JUNE 24 King and Country and John Jenkins arrived.
14 JUNE 24 Added Thomas Gunn June releases : 3 Preaetorians and 3 Panzer IV tanks (plus update on Marders)
3 JUNE 24 Added King & Country June releases : French King Louis XIV, 2 Ltd Ed Shermans, 8 US tank crew and 4 tank riders plus 13 French civilians welcoming the Allies.
27 MAY 24 Added images of upcoming Persian scythed chariot and Kardake light infantry in Ancient Greece subcategory Prototypes.
18 MAY 24 Added John Jenkins June releases : Egyptian War Chariot, Troy Prince of Mysia, 2 Macedonian Hypapists, 2 Carthaginian slingers, 2 Samurai retainers, 2 Matlese militia, 2 Jamestown militia, 5 American Revoloiution, 6 ACW cavalry, Crow Scout, Two mounted Mounties, 2 Sepoys Battle of Wandewash (new series), 2 Mounted British officers War 1812,
8 MAY 24 Added three Marder II's to Thomas Gunn. Note this is a pre order item available in three versions. Due in September 2024.
6 MAY 24 Added John Jenkins update on Fur trade series. Several upcoming new figures shown. Also updated future releases from Egypt v Hittites and American Revolution.
4 MAY 24 Added King and Country May releases : 9 Roman civilians, oxen and cart and some barrels, 2 different Napoleons, 2 US Marines and 4 Israeli Golani Brigade.
1 MAY 24 Added some re-issued Fur trade figures and wagons, horses and oxen to Jenkins May releases.
28 APR 24 Added Team Miniatures next releases: 3 more Polish Winged Hussars. (note : the enemy wiill be Ottomans and John Jenkins has already released some).
21 APR 24 Added Jenkins May releases : 6 Egyptian axemen, Trojan Ethiopian King, Macedonian cavalry, Carthaginian elephant, 4 Mongol spearmen, a Jannisary (Malta), 4 Brits American Revolution, Fur trade Buffalo Robe painter pair, Sioux warrior, 2 Confederate artillerymen, 9 US cavalry,
13 APR 24 : Added some more retired WW2 items to Collection for sale category. Early Aussie desert set, Bren carrier, D Day landing craft, and Churchill and Eisenhower staff cars, a few WW2 German sets of 4, Africa Korps sets.
10 APRIL 24 Added Thomas Gunn April releases : 6 Roman Pretorians, 6 WAffen SS, RAF female pilot, WW2 German anti tank and infantry guns.
9 APR 24 Added som retired WW2 items to Collection for sale category (planes, tanks, vehicles and figures). More to be added in next few days.
8 APR 24 Added King and Country April releases : 4 Apache Indians, Hong Kong bird walker and three coolies with trolley, Mounted Princess Anne as Colonel Blues and Royals, Mounted Drummer Blues and Royals and three Coldstream Lance markers.
18 MAR 24 Added John Jenkins April releases : Egyptian war chariot, 2 Carthaginian infantry, Macedonian cavalry, 2 Myrmidons from Troy, 1066 Count Eustace and 6 French spearmen, Samurai retainers, 9 Janissaries for Siege Malta (can also be used with TM Polish Winged Hussars), Continental Dragoon, Condeferate artillery pair and ACW Cherokee cavalry, 9 US cavalry and mounted Sioux. Furtrade Indian.
6 MAR 24 Added King and Country March releases : Jesus Crucificion (Jesus and 2 thieves), 8 Roman civilians,2 Rommels and 4 Afrika Korps, 2 60's Chinese females and a Royal Hong Kong Police Officer. .
16 FEB 24 Added Jenkins March releases : 3 Egyptian archers, Trojan archers, Macedonian cavalry, Carthaginian elephant, 2 Korean Auxilliary Archers, Maltese Militia and a Janissary, Jamestown Militia, 3 American Rev cavalry, Colonel NW Mounted Police and Indian trader, 3 Dismount Union cavalry, 2 Union cannons, Confederate cavalry, Sioux and 4 Dismounted Cavalry..
8 FEB 24 Added Thomas Gunn releases : Roman Gladiator, 3 WAAF / SOE, 2 SS females and 2 Vietnam females. However will not get until March releases available.
1 FEB 24 King and Country announce now releases for February.
29 JAN 24 Added some prototype sketches from John Jenkins - Hittites v Egyptians, Macedonians V Persians, Roman, Cathaginain and Germanic, Saxon, Samurai v Mongols, Indian, American Revolution, Ameriocan Civil War, Fur Trade, Zulu War
17 JAN 24 Added John Jenkins February releases : King Rameses III in Chariot, Trojan figure, Macedonian cavalry, 4 Saxon archers, 2 Samurai retainers, 1 Maltese Knight, 4 American Revolution, 3 Fur trade figures including Mounty Major , 7 ACW, 4 Dismounted US Infantry and Sioux Indian,
12 JAN 24 Added King and Country January releases : 11 US Marines WW2 / Korea, 6 US Marines Vietnam, 8 British Paras Falklands.
17 DEC 23 Added next arrivals from Team Miniatures - 3 Polish Hussars from Vienna 1683. Winged Hussars !!!!
16 DEC 23 Added January 2024 releases : King of Lycians Chariot Troy, Thessalian cavalry, 4 Saxon archers, 2 Mongolian spearmen, 2 Spanish spearmen El Cid, Skrealing Indian, Knight of Malta, 2 Powantan Indians, 4 Delaware infantry and a Simcoe Ranger Amer Rev., 2 North west Mounted Police and a Mounted Mountain Man, Sioux Indian, 3 Mounted American Civil War and 7 Infantry.
2 DEC 23 Added King and Country December releases : Blues and Royal Trooper and Afrika Corps
8 NOV 23 John Jenkins December releases : Trojan chariot and Greek, Macedonian General, Cathaginian elephant, 2 Roman cavalry, 4 Viking archers, Norman Bishop Odo, Mongol Officer and bomb thrower and female Samurai, Maltese Knight, Beothuk Warrior, 5 American revolution, Sioux Warrior, 7 ACW include cavalry and infantry and artillery, 2 NW Mounted Police, Teamster with whiskey mule, Crow Scout,
5 NOV 23 - Added King and Country November releases : Two Kursk Tiger tanks, 3 Hong Kong items, the Three Wise Men and 3 camels, Mycroft Holmes and Ms Adler, 3 Mexicans and 2 Cowboys and 3 standingv horses.
5 NOV 23 Added Thomas Gunn November releases : 4 Crete / Africa Matildas, plus a Roman General and some ladies.
22 OCT 23 Updated Britains Napoleonics French.
21 OCT 23 Updated Britains Napepleonics British, Brunswick and Nassau categories.
19 OCT 23 Updated Britains Zulu category with some upcoming releases and deleted sold out ones .
6 OCT 23 Added John Jenkins November releases : 2 Trojans and Greek leader Nestor, 2 Roman Cavalry, 4 Viking archers, 2 Mongol Trebuchet sets and 6 Mongolian archers, Standard bearer Knights of St John, Skraeling, 74th Foot Mounted officer (with one arm !), 3 American Revolution figures, 5 ACW infantry and 5 artillery crew, Sioux Warrior, Crow Scout and Fur trader,
4 OCT 23 Added KIng and Country October releases : 5 discovery of Tutenkamun figures, 6 Afrika Korps, 3 Battle of Bulge Americans, 4 Young Frankenstein Horror figures and twi Santa / Xmas sets.
25 SEPT 23 Added to home page Team Miniature prototype images of upcoming Polish Winged Hussars.
16 SEPT 23 Added 2 upcoming Kursk Tigers from King and Country. Ltd Ed of only 250 each. Expected Nov/Dec 2023.
15 SEPT 23 Added John Jenkins October releases : Mounted Amazon, Lycian Warriors Troy, 2 Roman Cavalry, 4 Viking archers, 2 Samurai retainers, El Cid Spanish Officer, Skraeling, Grand Master of St John, 2 Simcoes Rangers, Tarleton Raider and 71st Flagbearer, 74th Officer Wellington in India, Crow Scout and Bead Sellers, 4th Virginia Officer, 4 Dismounted Confederates, 2 Confederate artillery horse drawn limbers, Sioux Warrior
12 SEPT 23 Added John Jenkins pre orderr Tiger images and details.
11 SEPT 23 Added King and Country September releases : 13 WW2 Europe Germans, 3 Battle of Bulge Germans, 2 US Patton tanks and a Viet Kong femlae soldier, 8 Hong Kong 60's figures
21 AUG 23 Added John Jenkins September releases : Mounted Amazon, Lycian warriors Troy, 2 Norman crossbowmen, Viking shield maiden, 2 Spanish El Cid Crossbowmen, Benkai Warrior Monk Samurai series, 2 Maltese Siege defenders, 2 Jamestown soldiers, 2 American Revolution cavalry and a standard bearer, Fur trader canoe, Standard bearer, 5 ACW artillery crew, 71st Foot Wellington in India, 4 dismounted US cavalry and 4 army mules nad a mounted Sioux,
3 AUG 23 Added King and Country August releases : Dracula, 3 civilians discovery of Tutankamun, Vietnam ammo crates, 7 Winter SS Germans plus Bulge Americans cooking. Plus a Bulge German value set.
2 AUG 23 Created two new King and Country categories : Discovery of Tutankamun and Horror Movies.
31 July 23 Added Thomas Gunn August releases : 4 Romans, Winter and European WW2 German plus a "hot" Secret Agent and Stormtrooper.
19 July 23 Added John Jenkins August releases : 2 Lycian Warriors Troy, 2 command pairs Persians, Viking shield maiden, Mounted Samurai commander, Powantan Indian, pair arm wrestling Fur traders, 4 Mounted American Revolution, Standard bearer 74th Foot Wellington in India, ACW Confederate guns and crews, 5 US Cavalry with horses and a Mounted Sioux Warrior (battle of Rosebud).
3 JULY 23 Added King and Country July releases : 10 WW2 US Winter soldiers, Vietnam USMC truck and 6 figures plus 2 Vietcong.
27 JUNE 23 Added some items from 2 WW2 collections " includes 8th Army / SAS , Afrika Korps, LAH, RAF planes and various others.
24 June 23 Added Thomas Gunn July releases : Roman Preatorian, Roman maiden, Mata Hari and 8 Waffen SS.
22 JUNE 23 Added John Jenkins July releases Mounted Amazon, 4 Persian Spearmen, 2 Roman cavalry, Viking Shield Maiden and 2 Norman Crossbowmen, 2 El Cid Spanish Crossbowmen, Mounted Trooper Tareleton Raiders, Fur Trade Axe thrower, Sioux Warrior, Sgt and Wounded drummer 74th Foot, 2 ACW artillery limbers and one with 4 horses, 4 Dismounted Confederates with standing horses,
11 JUNE 23 Added Team Miniatures Mongol baggage train with General Subedei, camel leader and mounted escort.
5 JUNE 23 Added King and Country June releases : 2 useful, Life of Jesus animal sets, 4 Waffen SS, Winston Churchill and buldog, HM the Queen early 50's nad in evening wear and 6 Royals and Blues Life Guards.
30 MAY 23 Added John Jenkins June releases : 2 Greek archers, 3 Macedonian officers, 4 Persian archers, Viking Shield Maiden archer, 2 Norman Crossbowmen, 2 Spanish Crossbowmen, 2 Jamestwon Militia & a Powantan Indian, 2 Maltese Militia, Continental and British Legion Trooper and two Simcoes Rangers American Revolution, Wounded Indian on travois, Sioux Indian, Piper 74th Regt Foot, 4 ACW Union artillery crew,
26 MAY 23 Large shipment of Britains Zulus and 24th Foot arrived.
10 MAY 23 John Jenkins and King and Country shipments arrived. Cleo and Pharoah sedan chair sets and a fan bearer, 6 WW2 Germans, HM the Queen with corgis (three colours purple, green and red) and King Charles III and a set of corgis. Trojan Greeka rchers and spearmen, Persian archers, Boadicca chariot, El CID archers, Powantan Indian, Samurai Commander Minamoto, Mounted Sioux, Chief Sitting Bull and Jeremiah Potts, US Civil war Union artiillery and crew, British and Maratha infantry Wellington in India series.
3 MAY 23 Added May King and Country releases : 6 Romans and a special 6 man boxed set, 6 Waffen SS. 3 Vietnam MP's, Falklands War Scorpion, 4 Beefeaters.
22 APR 23 Added John Jenkins May releases : Trojan Greeka rchers and spearmen, Persian archers, Boadicca chariot, El CID archers, Powantan Indian, Samurai Commander Minamoto, Mounted Sioux, Chief Sitting Bull and Jeremiah Potts, US Civil war Union artiillery and crew, British and Maratha infantry Wellington in India series.
7 APR 23 Added King and Country April releases : Cleo and Pharoah sedan chair sets and a fan bearer, 6 WW2 Germans, HM the Queen with corgis (three colours purple, green and red) and King Charles III and a set of corgis.
5 APR 23 Added Thomas Gunn April releases : 4 Roman slaves, 2 Praetorians, Mounted 24th Foot Officer, 4 Viet Minh.
29 MAR 23 Added April Jenkins releases : 1 Trojan and two Greek Spearmen, Macedonians, 2 Scythian archers, 2 Roman Cavalry, Saxon archers, El CID Spearmen, 2 Samurai retainers, Powantan Indians, Amer Rev American Cavalry and Brit infantry, Wellington in India Brit Infantry and Maratha cavalry, Mountain man with pack mule, Sioux Indian, ACW Confederate infantry and Union Artillery Officer.
24 FEB 23 Added three John Jenkins German halftracks pre orders.
4 FEB 23 Added King and Country Pre Order Tiger I winter all metal Ltd Ed of only 500
27 JAN 23 Added Jenkins Feb releases : 4 Trojan archers, Mounted Amazon, 2 Persian archers and 2 Spearmen,, 4 Saxons, 2 Samurai retainers, LTCOL Tarlton and 2 British infantry Amer Rev, Fur trading post, 2 Line infantry and Bagir cavalry Wellington in India, Mounted Indian, Confederate Officer & Drummer, and muli figure value sets Carthaginians, British Amer Rev, WW1 US Marines, French casualties and British,
6 JAN 23 Added images of new Team Miniatures series Camaron / Foreign Legion 1863. 12 figures and a useful brokne courtyard wall.
5 JAN 23 Added King and Country January releases : Egyptian Antiquities seller and sarcophogus, 5 North West Mounted Police / Mounties (see below also !), 2 Kokoda Aussies, Princess Elizabeth WW2, Vietnam Australians planning patrol and two Vietnamese civilians, % Korean War US Marines.
3 JAN 23 Added images to Fur trade prototypes including North West Mounted Police.
29 DEC 22 Added Thomas Gunn January releases : 6 Egyptian dancing girls, retired Roman centurion, Eve and Rapunzel, 5 x 24th Foot, 2 French from Indochina.
29 DEC 22 Added prototype sketches from John Jenkins. Two new series coming Anglo Afghan War (Gandamuk) and Seven Years War plus more Troy, Carthage, Vikings, Samurai and Mongol, Siege of Malta, American Revolution, Fur Trade,
22 DEC 2022 Added Jenkins January releases : 4 Persians, Trojan Greeks and Mounted Amazon, 4 Saxons, 2 Mounted Samurai, 2 Maltese Militia, 2 Virginia Militia, British infantry and Maratha cavalry Wellington in India, 1 Cavalry and 4 Infantry Amer Rev, Mounted Officer and Flagbearer ACW, Cheyenne Indian, Supermarine Spitfire, and re issues of Crow Indian with travois.
18 DEC 22 Team Miniatures 6 mounted Indians arrived.
4 DEC 22 Added King and Country Dec releases : Munich 1938 Conference set (Ltd Ed 300) and 5 Vietcong / NVA plus a US Marines tunnel rat set.
14 NOV 22 Added Thomas Gunn November releases : Roman tent, 3 mounted Boers, 6 Waffen SS and 2 Indochina French Foreign Legion.
9 NOV 22 Added John Jenkins December releases : Mounted Amazon, Two Trojan archers and Esatern Gate, Macedonian Phalanx figures, Viking Shield maiden, 2 Spanish archers El CID series, 3 Warrior Monks from Samurai series, Fur trapper, American Revolution British, 74th Foot and Maratha cavalry from Wellington in India series, Powantan Chief and Iroquois Warrior plus Plains Indian (created new category for American Indian Wars), American Civil War Flagbearer and infantry, Sopwith Camel WW1.
9 NOV 22 John Jenkins November releases arrived.
2 NOV 22 Added November King and Country figures : 7 Waffen SS, 5 Kokoda Aussies, General Westmoreland Vietnam, and 4 Christmas items.
30 OCT 23 Updated 12" Figure category to add some new Naked Army figures : WW2 Commando, Infantry Korea, Infantry 2021, SASR Vietnam and a Female Australian soldier.
25 OCT 22 Added a ME 262 category to John Jenkins for a pre order of upcoming release.
18 OCT 22 Added John Jennkins November releases : Greek infantry and Trojan Archers, Macedonians, 4 Saxon casualties, 3 Warrior Monk archers (Samurai series). Spanish Infantry (El Cid), Skraeling, Hugh Glas and bear (Fur trade) Maratha infantry and cavalry (Wellington in India series), WW1 Macchi seaplane.
17 OCT 22 Added new category of Cavalry v Indians in John Jenkins.
4 OCT 22 Added King and Country October releases : 3 Napoleonic Dragoons, Emperor Franz Joseph and wife, 6 Waffen SS, 3 US Navy, 21 man Coldstream Guard band and 9 individual figures.
26 SEPT 22 Added Thomas Gunn releases : 2 slaves, 6 Egyptian figures and a pool, 5 Winter WW2 Germans and 4 options of Krupp truck plus a MP pair from Indochina.
19 SEPT 22 Added John Jenkins September releaese : Trojan gate and Greek chariot, 9 Macedonians, Two Vikings and 4 Saxons, Andulasian Archers, Two Warrior Monks, Skrealing warrior, 3 Fur trade figures, 74th Foot and Maratha cavalry Wellinton in India, Oxen (for cats and wagons), 4 ACW, German Panther tank.
18 SEPT 22 Added King and Country September releases : 3 Mexicans for Cattle Drive and Rooster Cogburn, Aussie soldier and Fuzzy Wuzzy, Emperor Franz Joseph, Two Vietnam US Jeeps and a Viet Cong sampan with soldiers and Street Hawker Stall and Black Watch band.
23 AUG 22 Added Spetember Jenkins releases : 2 Troy figures and Tower, 9 Macedonian phalanx, two Vikings, 2 Samurai archers, Skrealing archer, Powantan Indian, Wellington in India Brit Standard Bearer and Maratha cavalry and infantry, Trappers and Indians, 8 ACW,
10 AUG 23 Added 5 prototype images of Viking maidens to 1066 category.
8 AUG 22 Added some prototype images to John Jenkins : American Civil War, Fur trade, Troy, and two new series Siege of Malta and Anglo Powatan War (Jamestown) coming in 2023.
1 AUG 22 Added King and Country August releases : Napoleonic Old Guard Musicians, 6 Aussie Kokoda figures, 4 US Navy WW2 figures. 2 Vietnam Vespa girl items, 3 Falklands Paras and 3 Argentinian prisoners,
29 JULY 22 Added Jenkins August releases : Trojans and Greeks, Scythian archers, 6 Vikings, Almoravid archers, Skrealing archer, 3 Warrior Monks from new Samurai series, 2 Wellington in India cavalry, Crow Indian Travois in Fur trade series, and ACW figures.
29 JULY 22 Some Thomas Gunn July items arrived. Matildas and the salve traders. Hopefully remainders on 2 AUG 22.
28 JULY 22 Jenkins July releases arrived.
8 JULY 22 Added Thomas Gunn July releases : War elephant, 2 slave traders and podium, 2 Germanic Archers, 3 Zulus, Command Group Dien Bien Phu, 3 Australian Matilda tanks.
3 JULY 22 Added King and Country July releases : 12 Battle of Bulge US figures with winter Sherman option if buy all 12, plus 5 Vietnam US figures.
28 JUNE 22 K&C and Jenkins June releases arrived.
27 June 22 Added John Jenkins July releases : 2 Greeks and Paris from Troy, 2 Mounted Scythian archers, Norman Knight, Skraeling Warrior, Jacobite cavlaryman, Fur Trader and a Blackfoot Warrior, 3 cavalry Wellington in India, 6 ACW, Sopwith Camel and a Pzr I.
1 JUNE 22 Added King and Country June releases : 2 new Aussie M113's, Vietcong machine gunner, Tutenkamun Monument, 4 French napoleonic infantry, Civil War officer, Chinese building and two figures. Plus added images of 6 more soon to be released Kokoda figures.
1 JUNE 22 KIng and Country, John Jenkins and Team Miniatures arrived.
26 MAY 22 Added images of Thomas Gunn Mayy releases : Medusa pair from new series Myths, Legends and Biblical, 4 Roman slaves from new street scene scenario, 2 French Foreign Legion, 4 USMC Korea
22 MAY 22 Added images of King and Country British Paratroopers and Argentinian Prisoners prototypes in Falklands series.
17 MAY 22 Added Jenkins June releases : 2 Greeks and 2 Trojans, 4 Scythian female archers, Saxon Flagbearer and 4 casualties, Jacobite Mounted Flagbearer, Trapper and his wife, 7 ACW, 3 Cavalry from Wellington in India series,
6 MAY 22 Created new category in King and Country WW2 for Kokoda. Included interesting article about Track or Trail from the War Memorial.
6 MAY 22 Added Samurai and Macedonian Phalanx prototype images to Jenkins categories.
6 MAY 22 Jenkins April releases arrived.
4 MAY 22 Added King and Country May releases : Messalina, 6 French Dragoons, 4 Union soldiers, Viet Kong Anti Aircraft team.
2 Mexxcan Senoritas, Panzer Grenadiers
2 MAY 22 Added John Jenkins May releases : Two Greeks and 2 Trojans, 4 Scythian archers, Norman cavalry and Saxon flagbearer and two Saxon infantry, El Cid Moor Spearmen, 2 Mounted Yorkist cavalry, Culloden Scot cavalry, 8 ACW, Wellington in India cavalry,
4 APR 22 Added King and Country April releases : 8 Napoleonic French Dragoons and a Scost Grey casualty , 5 Union ACW, 3 Egyptian items, 2 American Gun trucks Vietnam, 2 Life Guards.
26 MAR 22 Added Prototype John Jenkins images to Troy and El Cid categories.
26 MAR 22 Added Team Miniatures April releases - 6 mounted Sioux Indians.
19 MAR 22 Added John Jenkins April releases : Melelaus and 2 Trojans, 4 Scythian archers, Carthaginian Officer and Standard Bearer and Scorpion, 8 Moor spearmen, 2 Aztecs, Jacobite cavalry, Mountain man and Mounted Indian, 4 cavalry for Wellington in India series.. Plus Viking boat will be in April releases.
18 MAR 22 Most Jenkins March releases arrived but not the boat or Trojan series.
18 MAR 22 King and Country new Cattle Drive, ACW and Vietnam figures arrived.
2 MAR 22 Added Next arrivals from Team Miniatures - French infantry.
1 MAR 22 Added King and Country March releases : Mounted Roman Legate, 7 ACW Union, three American Indians, 4 Egyptian civilians, 1 Aussie M60 gunner and 4 US Marines Vietnam and 3 Falklands Royal Marines.
24 FEB 22 Added John Jenkins March releases : Agamemnon and 2 Trojans, 2 Carthaginian infantry, 6 Saxons and a Norman cavalryman, Almoravid Spearmen, Archer War of Roses, Trapper Keel boat and supplies, 4 Cavalry Wellington in India, Amer Rev and ACW,.
4 FEB 22 Added King & Country Feb releases : 5 Life of Jesus figures, 5 Sarcen Archers and 2 dead Crusaders, 2 Mexican Vaquero's, 2 Syrian T55's, 3 US Marines Vietnam.
1 FEB 22 Added some John Jenkins Fur trade prototypes.
12 JAN 22 Added John Jenkins FEB releases : 3 Troy figures, 1 Scthian Mounted King, 2 Carthaginians, 6 Vikings, Mounted Amoravid, 2 Conquistadores, 4 War of the Roses, 4 American Revolution, Mounted Blackfoot Indian and a Trapper. 2 Cavalry Wellington in India, 1 General and two infantry ACW
3 JAN 22 Added Thomas Gunn January releases : 2 dead Crusader / Medieval dead horses, 5 Heer German Infantry and two Vietnam huts.
3 JAN 22 Added King and Country January figures : dead cavalryman and two Indians, 7 83rd Pennsylvania Regt. ACW, 4 German prisoners and a French Resistance, 4 pairs of Vietnam figures,
1 JAN 22 Added Team Minitaures next arrivals - Templar Knights.
1 JAN 22 Added 25 John Jenkins prototypes sketches including : Helen of Troy, Amazon leader, Persian, Bodicea, King Alfred, Saxon archer, Mongols v Samurai, American Conquest and Fur traders and Indians and Wellingto in India and ACW.
21 DEC 21 Added January Jenkins releases : Ajax and Hector and Trojans, pair Carthaginian infantry, 2 Gaul cavalry, 2 sets of 8 Germanics, 6 Vikings and Norman cavalry, standard bearer War of Roses, Moor cavalryman, Castle Tower, 2 Conquistadores, 2 Fur traders and Mounted Blackfoot Indian, 4 NY infantry American Revolution and 2 militia casualties, 19th Dragoon Wellington in India, ACW Union infantry.
2 DEC21 Updated prototype images for Wellington in India series (Madrass Native Cavalry and 74th Highlanders) plus Scythians under Greek category.
1 DEC 21 Added King and Country DEC releases : Tutenkamun's Mummy and Lord Canarvon and Howard Carter set of 4, Emperor Barbarossa and 2 Saracen Archers, 5 cowboys from Cattle Drive series, 2 Vietnames T-55 tanks. Lif Guards Drum Horse and Falklands Marine Flagbearer.
6 NOV 21 Added Thomas Gunn NOV releases : 8 24th Foot, 3 German Winter Pzr 3, Winter tank crew and 2 Aussies with Bren and Owen and three Japanese casualties.
9 NOV 21 Added John Jenkins DEC releases : Odysseus and 4 Trojans, Carthaginian Scorpion and crew, 4 Carthaginain infantry, 2 Romans, 6 Saxons, 4 Moors from El Cid series, Sir Thomas Howard and his flagbearer from War of Roses, 2 Conquistadores, 2 wounded American Revolution Militia2 19th Dragoons (Wellington in India) , Blackfoot Warrior and two trappers, 14th Brooklyn ACW,
9 NOV 21 John Jenkisn NOV and Thomas Gunn OCT releases arrived.
4 NOV 21 Added King and Country NOV releases : 3 Life of Jesus sets, a wounded Medieval pair and two mounted knights, German Ford truck and 4 seated passengers, 4 German tank crew. 11 Brtitish infantry at Normandy, Prince Phillip and George VII.
26 OCT 21 John Jenkins OCT releases arrived.
26 OCT 21 Added update with prototype images of coming Falklands figures from King and Country.
25 OCT 21 Added images of 10 French Chasseurs a Pied to Team Miniatures next arrivals. Plus 4 Romans that are being re-issued.
25 OCT 21 Added images of prototypes of Maratha cavalry to Wellington in India series. Some great figures there.
16 OCT 21 Added John Jenkins November releases : 2 pairs of Romans, 2 pairs of Carthaginians, Norman, Crusader and Spanish mounted casualties, Castle wall, 3 different sets of arrows for War of Roses and 1066, 2 pairs of War of Roses casualties, 2 Conquistadores, 3 Fur trade musicians and Blackfoot chief, 2 wounded American Revolution Militia, firing 14th Brooklyn ACW, 2 pairs of Sepoys and Major General Arthur Wellesly, and the Red Baron.
6 OCT 21 Added Thomas Gunn October releases : 3 Zulus, 6 Boer War Highlanders, Japanese Kurogane truck, 2 German Winter Hetzer and 4 Korean US GI's.
4 OCT 21 Added King and Country October releases : Egyptian musician, the 4 Musketeers and the Cardinal, 2 Vistula Lancers, 4 RAF ground crew, 4 WW2 French resistance, Two US Vietnam Colonels, Life Guards Drum Horse.