Welcome to The Military Workshop web page.
Collectable Military Figures, Toy Soldiers , Replica Medals & Medal Mounting, Military Prints.
King & Country, Britains, John Jenkins, Thomas Gunn, Team Miniatures and Naked Army.
See above left menu for link to Andy Neilson of King & Country preview items
Blackhawk Down - Huey Vietnam - The West including Magnificent 7 and buildings - D Day Shermans - RAF planning room - Beatles - Irish Guards mascot - Roman civilians prototypes - Ned Kelly
King and Country Four Lads from Liverpool set arriving in September
John Jenkins new Zulu war series 91st Highlanders + 3 other Regiments v Zulus (see John Jenkins category)
John Jenkins new Zulu war series 60th Royal King Rifles (Oct release)
King and Country RAF Operations room set (incl 5 figs) and Dowding & WAAF NCO arriving in September
Jenkins Mounted Mongol arriving in October
King and Country Blackhawk Down new series Rangers. More arriving in September.
New Inca series from John Jenkins
King and Country Medieval series - more Crusader archers arrived.
John Jenkins Persian scyth chariots (September release)
King and Country Medevac Huey Ltd Ed arrived - Only 200 please email or phone if interested.
King and Country US Marines Ltd Ed arrived - Only 200 please email or phone if interested.
Unique custom made (in Brisbane) Western buildings - check out King & Country Cattle Drive category.
John Jenkins American Revolution British (Battle of Bunker Hill)
King and Country Afrika Korps camel riders
Team Miniatures Polish Winged Hussars.
King and Country Cattle Drive chuck wagon arrived
King and Country Ltd Ed all metal Shermans, tank crew and riders and French civilians arrived - Only 500 Shermans total please email or phone if interested.
Thomas Gunn Marder II - 3 versions coming.
King and Country WW retired items - see Collections for sale category
AK28 Questioning the prisoner A$275
John Jenkins King Rameses III of Egypt, chariots and infantry
John Jenkins Fur trade Indians
John Jenkins Viking Longship with 26 figures in stock (see top left menu bar)
John Jenkins Battle of Wandewash India 1860 new series
King and Country Mounted Roman General and 4 lictors being released in August
King and Country Roman Civilians
King and Country 8 British Paras Falklands arrived
John Jenkins North West Mounted Police (Fur trade series)
King and Country Kursk Tiger tanks available Ltd Ed 250 each
Thomas Gunn 4 Africa / Crete Matlida tanks arrived (one left)
John Jenkins Thessalian cavalry
John Jenkins Stug III Ausf. G. (Kharkov) available mid 2024
King and Country 6 new Afrika Korps figures arrived
John Jenkins 1st Cherokee Cavalry ACW
KIng and Country Discovery of Tutenkamun / Egypt series
KIng and Country new winter American
KIng and Country new Horror series
John Jenkins Tiger tank. Arrived.
King & Country US Vietnam Patton tanks - Ltd Ed 200 each
John Jenkins Siege of Malta series (enemy are Ottomans - see prototype image below)
John Jenkins Viking archers
King & Country Chinese 1960's (also suitable as Vietnamese)
King & Country WW2 Germans
King & Country USMC M35A2 Cargo truck and passengers
King & Country 10 Winter US soldiers.
King & Country HM the Queen with corgis (available in purple, green)
John Jenkins Dismounted Cavalry arrived
John Jenkins Dismounted Confederates arrived.
King & Country Beefeaters arrived.
John Jenkins Mounted Samurai Commander arrived.
King and Country Falkland Scorpion arrived.
King & Country Pharoah sedan set (Cleo also available)
King & Country Special 6 Roman Boxed set
John Jenkins Ottomans and Janissaries prototypes from Malta Siege series.
John Jenkins Halftracks all arrived
John Jenkins Panther tank arrived
King and Country Australians in Vietnam new planning set arrived.
King and Country Kokoda Australians arrived
Team Miniatures Camaron / French Foreign Legion series
King and Country Munich conference Ltd Ed (300) arrived.
John Jenkins new Samurai series.
King and Country 21 man Coldstream Guard band arrived.
King and Country Australian M113 - 2 new versions arrived
John Jenkins Walls of Troy and chariot.
King and Country Old Guard Musicians arrived.
King and Country Vietnam American Gun Trucks arrived.
Wellington in India series from John Jenkins
Team Miniatures Sioux Indians
King and Country new Egyptian figures.
Team Miniatures Franco Prussian War French infantry arrived.
John Jenkins enemy cavalry from Wellington in India
John Jenkins Cavalry v Indians series
John Jenkins 39th NY Infantry (Garibaldi Guard) arrived and coming soon.
King and Country 83rd Pennsylvania arrived
John Jenkins Troy series figures.
King and Country Landing Craft and more British infantry arrived.
John Jenkins Moors from El Cid series (several figures arrived)
Team Miniatures Franco Prussian War French infantry arrived.
John Jenkins 74th Highlanders from Wellington in India series.
Team Miniatures Teutonic Knights (Legnica 1241 v Mongols) arrived.
John Jenkins El Cid series and castle gateway and walls.
John Jenkins ACW 14 Brooklyn New York State Militia and prototypes
King and Country new series Cattle Drive arrived.
King and Country Australian Vietnam series - open top Land Rover & 4 passengers arrived.
Thomas Gunn Indochina (Dien Bien Phu) new series
King and Country Australian Mortar team Vietnam arrived.
King & Country Vietnam MP Landrover, MP's & guardhouse arrived
King and Country Israeli Centurion and tank commanders arrived
King & Country more Vietnam Special Forces arrived (plus a radio operator).
King & Country Vietnam SAS arrived.
King & Country 2nd Long Tan set arrived.
Thomas Gunn Japanese surrender set. 7 figs, car, hut and base arrived.
King & Country Roman Emperors and Praetorians arrived.
John Jenkins 1066 Normans
King & Country Lighthorse figures.
Team Miniatures French and British figures expected in early DEC.
Team Miniatures new Franco Prussian series
Team Miniatures Prussians arrived.
Team Miniatures French infantry arrived
Team Miniatures Boxer Rebellion Italian Bersaglieri arrived. Also available in khaki.
Team Miniatures Spanish American War series arrived.
King & Country ANZAC artillery set arrived. Ammo set also available.
King & Country Caesar and Augustus and Praetorian Guard arrived. Archway a DEC arrival.
King & Country Buffalo hunt arrived.
Team Miniatures Boer War series arrived.